The most critical component of an e-Commerce initiative is receiving payment for your services and products. For an qualified e-Business initiative, a well-planned payment solution needs to be in place.
India Domain has wide experience and expertise in digital payment processing solutions.
Starting from payment gateways, online credit card processing, digital certificates and managed security services, we offer the whole range of digital services.
Payment Gateways India Domain has a wide experience in integrating e-Commerce sites with third-party payment gateways. We have set up in and integrated nearly 20 payment gateways for India as well as international e-Commerce sites. We have experience of integrating sites to match gateways like Card Services International and
Credit Card Processing
India Domain, through its relationship with various payment processing agencies offers Credit card processing through payment gateways of major banks for India clients and easy integration with a wide variety of shopping carts depending on the payment gateway.
Digital Certificates
Online identities are Digital certificates, yet another instrument to ensure secure transactions. India Domain offers Digital Certification services through our tie-ups with, Thwarte and Verisign.
India Domain Pvt Ltd
Plot # 20,1-90,
Doctor's Colony,
Kavuri Hills, Madhapur,
Hyderabad - 500 033,
Telangana, India.